Condo Phone

Please note that not all condos have landlines.

To Use Phone in Condo:

For an outside line, dial 9 and wait for a dial tone. Long distance dialing is available at no extra charge.

To reach another condo, dial the condo extension (list below).

To Reach a Condo if Dialing in from the Outside:

Dial (304) 787-3202 and enter the extension number as shown below:

D101 – Ext 332 D201 – Ext 338 D301- Ext 344

D102 – Ext 333 D202 – Ext 339 D302- Ext 345

D103 – Ext 334 D203 – Ext 340 D303- Ext 346

D104 – Ext 335 D204 – Ext 341 D304- Ext 347

D105 – Ext 336 D205 – Ext 342 D305- Ext 348

D106 – Ext 337 D206 – Ext 343 D306- Ext 349

E101 – Ext 350 E201 – Ext 368 E301- Ext 360

E102 – Ext 351 E202 – Ext 356 E302- Ext 361

E103 – Ext 352 E203 – Ext 357 E303- Ext 364

E104 – Ext 353 E204 – Ext 358 E304- Ext 365

E105 – Ext 354 E205 – Ext 359 E305- Ext 366

E106 – Ext 355 E206 – Ext 371 E306- Ext 367